Friday, July 9, 2021

Change it up with IPC Safety Matters

Nondestructive testing and robotic engineering helps to keep our infrastructure safe.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Robotic Broadcast Tower Guy Wire Inspection Service

Robotic Broadcast Tower Guy wire and wire rope inspection service.

Locates loss of metallic area, LMA and corrosion inside the wire rope. Know when to replace your wire rope.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

How to fix our nations bridges v1. CableScan®

Bridge and infrastructure inspection services using modern technology and robotics.

Robotic Magnetic Flux leakage bridge inspection service locates loss of metallic area. Peers through HDPE cable and inspects the load bearing steel that holds up the bridge.

How to fix our nations bridges?

Monday, April 13, 2020

Wire Rope inspection service Robotic Flare stack guy wire inspections.

Robotic wire rope inspection services. No bucket trucks.

Know when to replace your wire rope. Works on Flare Stack Guy Wires, Cranes,

Bridge Cables, Cable Stays (peers through hdpe sleeve), hoist inspections,

Post tension tendons,

(Peers through outer shell)  pully inspection and

Locates loss of metallic area in any wire rope.

Light Pole Inspection Service using Robotic inspections

Light Pole inspection service using robotic inspection services.

No bucket trucks or lane closures required.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Robotic Infrastructure Inspection Pics

Robotic bridge inspection and infrastructure inspection services.
The latest in nondestructive testing and robotic engineering. 
 Infrastructure Preservation Corporation, “IPC” has disruptive technology that will quickly replace the manual infrastructure inspections conducted today with modern technology and robotic inspections that provide the asset managers (department of transportation) with quantitative data that allows them to properly allocate their limited budgets, ie maintenance dollars.

 By locating early stage deterioration and properly maintaining & conducting repairs the service life of our critical infrastructure assets can be extended and untimely replacements avoided, saving billions in infrastructure costs.  Bridge inspection services